
By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins
Mental Health Awareness Month

May is the month to observe mental health awareness, 这是阐明精神健康残疾与数字包容之间相互关系的恰当时机. In an increasingly digital world, 确保有精神健康残疾的个人获得无障碍服务至关重要. By understanding their unique needs and implementing inclusive measures, fostering a more equitable and supportive online environment is possible.

Mental health disabilities encompass a broad spectrum of conditions, including anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and more. These disabilities can significantly impact an individual’s cognitive, emotional, and behavioral functions, posing challenges in various aspects of life such as digital interactions.

Digital accessibility is crucial for people with mental health issues!

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) says, as of 2019, approx. 美国五分之一的成年人患有某种精神疾病. In short, 51.500万人被诊断为轻度、中度或重度精神问题.

研究还表明,在COVID后,有无数的心理健康应用程序可供公众使用, however, they are not accessible to everyone. Unfortunately, 许多网站和数字工具的开发都没有关注可访问性要求, creating difficulties, and preventing individuals with mental health disabilities from using them.

Nevertheless, 组织已经开始考虑将WCAG要求纳入其网页设计中. 一些雇主也提供心理健康应用程序来监控和保护员工的健康. 然而,这类应用程序的主要要求是易于访问,以便人们可以使用它们.

Navigating apps, digital platforms, and technologies can be daunting for individuals with mental health problems. Some of the challenges for them are:

  • Cognitive Overload

    Complex interfaces, excessive information, and rapid changes can overwhelm individuals with cognitive impairments, making it difficult for them to focus or process information effectively.

  • Social anxiety

    社交媒体平台和在线交流工具会加剧社交焦虑和孤立感, leading individuals to avoid digital interactions altogether.

  • Accessibility barriers

    Inaccessible websites, apps, and digital content further marginalize individuals with mental health disabilities, hindering their ability to access essential services, information, and opportunities.

  • Stigma and discrimination

    围绕心理健康的污名化态度和误解可能会阻止个人寻求支持或参与在线社区, perpetuating feelings of exclusion and alienation.

Strategies to improve the digital environment experience for everyone!

加强精神健康障碍者的可及性和数字包容,需要采取多方面的方法,同时处理技术和社会因素. Here are some strategies to consider:

  • Essential digital requirements

    Brainstorm with IT teams and understand missing accessibility requirements. It is better if a web design is made accessible from scratch; however, remediating them is possible anytime. 考虑审查每一个方面/组成部分,以确保有精神健康障碍的个人可以访问网站/应用程序.

  • User-Centered design

    Prioritize user experience and inclusivity in the design and development of digital products and platforms. Implement features such as customizable interfaces, clear navigation, and simplified content to accommodate diverse cognitive needs.

  • Mental health awareness training

    Educate digital content creators, designers, 和开发者讨论心理健康障碍以及数字可访问性如何使他们受益. Promote empathy, understanding, 以及在设计过程中的敏感性,以创造更具包容性的在线环境.

  • Clear communication

    使用简单的语言,视觉辅助和多媒体格式有效地传达信息. Also, use instructions, feedback, 指导有心理健康障碍的用户自信地使用数字界面.

  • Peer support networks

    培育专门为精神健康残疾人士量身定制的在线社区和同伴支持网络. Create safe and welcoming spaces where individuals can share experiences, seek advice, and receive encouragement from others facing similar challenges.

  • Accessibility standards compliance

    Adhere to accessibility standards and guidelines, such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), 确保各种残疾人士都能使用数字内容和平台, including mental health conditions.

  • Mental health resources integration

    Integrate mental health resources, support services, 以及危机干预工具直接进入数字平台和应用程序. Provide easily accessible links, helpline numbers, and self-care resources to empower users to seek help when needed.

  • Anti-Stigma campaigns

    发起提高认识运动和倡议,打击在网络空间对精神健康残疾人士的污名化和歧视. 鼓励公开对话,消除寻求支持的污名化,促进对所有人的接受和包容.

Specific points that are required in an accessible website or application!

  • 它应该是精神疾病友好的,这样人们就可以使用这个网站而不会增加他们的挫败感.
  • Accessibility is a must.
  • If forms are attached to complete some action, they shouldn’t be lengthy.
  • 易于阅读和理解的内容,因为它的难度可能会引发一些人的焦虑.
  • 如果内容是对称设计的,它会帮助强迫症患者喜欢这样的页面.
  • 摘要段落帮助ADHD用户在浏览整个内容时忘记了他们访问页面的目的.
  • 对于神经正常的人来说,需要多种沟通方式,以便他们可以根据自己的情绪与品牌联系. 因此,提供电话号码、电子邮件地址、聊天机器人以及其他任何可能的简单方式.
  • 报告的问题和反馈必须认真对待,并主动解决,以维持这样的用户.

Inclusivity is all needed to create an equally available digital environment!

As we strive for greater digital inclusion, 必须认识到精神健康残疾个人面临的独特挑战,并采取积极措施加以解决. By raising awareness and implementing inclusive practices, 我们可以创造一个更容易接近和支持的在线环境,让每个人, regardless of their mental health status, can participate fully and equitably.

As a digital accessibility solution provider, 我们提供完整全面的数字无障碍解决方案,包括审核, remediation, document remediation, VPAT accessibility conformance report, monitoring, training, and support. 在这个精神健康残疾月及以后,与我们一起倡导无障碍和包容性. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of millions. Reach out to us at [email protected] for more information.